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Sensational Smiles Orthodontics Blog

Do You Wear Invisalign? Here’s How to Survive Cold & Flu Season

November 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy @ 7:18 pm
young woman sneezing during cold and flu season

It’s officially that magical time of the year everyone looks forward to – winter! Although many are excited to reconnect with loved ones and celebrate the holidays, they’re also stocking up on tissues, hand sanitizer, and vitamin C. For those currently undergoing Invisalign treatment, cold and flu season can pose a unique set of challenges. Luckily, there are many ways you can reduce your exposure to germs and viruses while wearing the aligners. Read on for a few tips!


What Should I Do If My Braces Break?

October 9, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy @ 1:36 pm
digital image of braces on lower teeth

While wearing braces, you may worry that you might accidentally break your metal appliances. The idea of a poking or protruding bracket or wire doesn’t sound like something you want to experience, but the reality is that if you’re not careful, it can certainly happen. But what should you do if faced with broken braces in Ripon? Dr. Fran explains three easy steps you should take to seek help and minimize further damage.  


Which is Best for You: Invisalign or Braces?

September 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy @ 8:30 pm
Invisalign aligner on a reflective table

You’ve been thinking of seeing an orthodontist to have your teeth straightened and have been doing some research online. At first you thought braces were your only option, but then you learned about Invisalign – an alternative way to make orthodontic corrections without metal brackets and wires. So which treatment is right for you? Both have their pros and cons, so we will help you consider your own circumstances carefully in order to figure out which is truly right for you. The following post covers what you need to know when it comes to the question of Invisalign vs. Braces in Ripon.


Why Do You Need to Wear Rubber Bands with Braces?

August 21, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy @ 8:00 pm
Close-up of teenager’s smile with rubber bands and braces

Most people already know that getting braces means wearing brackets and wires, but less well-known are the rubber bands that are often applied at some point during the process. These additions to your orthodontic appliance can take some getting used to, but they do play a very important role in making corrections that couldn’t be accomplished with braces alone. Your orthodontist is here to help you understand why you might need rubber bands on braces in Ripon.

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