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Getting Used to Clear Aligners

May 7, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy @ 4:42 am
Someone holding Invisalign

One of the things that makes Invisalign so popular as an orthodontic treatment is the sleek, comfortable nature of the aligners themselves. This makes the treatment much easier for patients, especially when compared to wire and bracket braces.

However, as with just about any oral appliance, it’ll take some time to get used to wearing your Invisalign aligner. While this should fade fairly quickly, you might wonder what you can do to get through the first week or so of wearing Invisalign easier. Here are a few tips you might find useful.

Stick To Your Schedule

When you first get your aligners, it’s likely going to take a week or two to get used to wearing your aligners every day. Your teeth are just beginning the process of movement, which means that ligaments are stretching in ways that they haven’t before. However, your teeth will get used to this eventually.

If you take off your aligners too often, it’ll only extend this process. As the old saying close, the fastest way out is through; wearing your aligners for the recommended 22 hours a day will ensure that you get adjusted more quickly.

Maintain a Soft Food Diet

One of the merits of Invisalign treatment is that you can take your aligners off before meals, allowing you to eat just about anything that you want. However, when you’re still getting used to wearing your trays, tough and chewy foods could potentially make this discomfort a little bit worse.

For this reason, it’s often a good idea to adopt a soft food diet for a few days at the beginning of Invisalign treatment.

Rely of Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers

As you can imagine, most dentists are unlikely to prescribe pain medicine for orthodontic treatment. That being the case, you’ll likely have to rely on OTC pain medicine, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Be sure to read the back of the bottle carefully for instructions on how to use these medicines properly and take only as much as is directed.

Once you get through the first few weeks, your Invisalign treatment should be largely comfortable. Keep these tips in mind and the period of adjustment should just fly by!

About the Author

Dr. Frances Hamman has a true passion for helping people smile their brightest, which is why she endeavors to make the care that she provides both easy and effective. She works hard to ensure that her patients are as comfortable as possible for the duration of their stay with her. Dr. Hamman received her Doctor of Dental Surgery from Creighton University, and her degree in orthodontics from Case Western Reserve University.

If you have any questions about Invisalign, she can be reached at her website or by phone at (920) 748-7130.

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